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            Relevant person in charge of domestic market region

            Leaving a message.

            Contact Dicsong

            • Company address

              Room 2002, 20th floor, building 16, Tianan science and Technology Park headquarters, 555 Panyu Avenue North, Panyu District, Guangzhou

            • Contact information

              Switchboard: +86-020 85820729


              Abroad:+86-138 0920 2219

            • Contact email


            How to get there

            • Bus

              Platform: take No. 987, No. 165, No. 302, No. 10, No. 145, No. 163, No. 310 and No. 146 to Tian'an energy saving science and Technology Park terminal.

            • Driving / Taxi

              Venue: floor 20, building 16, Tian'an headquarters center, 555 North Panyu Avenue, Panyu District, Guangzhou, 2002

            • Metro

              Platform: Shiqiao station of Metro Line 3, take bus No. 165, No. 302 / 310, No. 143, No. 145 / No. 303 / No. 146 to Tian'an energy saving science and Technology Park station

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