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            Notice on the charge standard of after-sales service for our refurbished products


            To our esteemed customers:

            In recent years, our company refurbished and maintained the equipment returned by our customers (according to customers' requirements), and operated with the attitude of helping (no charge). Due to the increase of equipment renovation and maintenance recently, the material and production costs of our company have increased, and the production efficiency of our company has also been reduced. Therefore, our company in line with the long-term integrity of cooperation, common development, mutual benefit business philosophy, in order to our sustainable development and better long-term service for the majority of customers, especially for the majority of customers all over the country to issue this notice, and for the corresponding equipment renovation and maintenance to establish charging standards, as follows:

            1. The starting charge for the renovation of the mixer is RMB 400 per mixer; If the actual renovation cost (labor + material) exceeds RMB 400 / set, the actual cost will be charged;

            2. The starting price of audio power amplifier renovation fee is RMB 350 / set; If the actual renovation cost (labor + material) exceeds RMB 350 / set, the actual cost will be charged;

            3. The starting price of professional audio peripheral equipment renovation is RMB 300 / set; If the actual renovation cost (labor + material) exceeds RMB 300 / set, the actual cost will be charged.

            In case of refurbishment and maintenance caused by product quality problems within the warranty period, our company will implement all free services, but the following circumstances are not within the scope of warranty free, we will implement the above standard charging services:

            1, during the warranty period, due to non-product quality problems (incorrect installation, incorrect transportation and storage, not according to the requirements of the manual use and other man-made damage or other causes);

            2. The equipment cannot work normally due to damage caused by force majeure (such as natural disaster, flooding, oil flooding and other abnormal conditions);

            3, the warranty period, product quality problems or non-product quality problems caused by the situation.

            This notice is effective on July 1, 2017.

            Guangzhou Disheng Audio Co., Ltd

            Sales department, after-sales service department

            June 30, 2017

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