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            Digital cinema system scheme


            Scheme Description:

            High-definition picture with good sound effects, so that the whole picture to show a realistic effect. Digital home theater allows users to enjoy the same clear and colorful pictures and images as cinema at home. Digital home theater is now in our life has represented a new way of life, in the use of digital home theater when we can through the layout of the home theater, so that their living room in a short time to become a giant screen of the cinema.

            Case application:

            1. The sound source position is fixed. The loudspeaker in the cinema is usually set behind the screen or on the side wall, so the sound source position is fixed and high. The tweeter of the loudspeaker is usually located 2/3 of the screen height, which is conducive to radiating sound energy evenly into all directions of the auditorium and the rear seats.

            2. The sound of the cinema is restored from the sound of the film, so it is not necessary to rely on the acoustic conditions of the auditorium to change the original tone, but only required to conform to the acoustic frequency response characteristics of the mixed recording studio, so as to truthfully restore the sound of the film sound.

            3. The sound reproducing system usually adopts 5.1 or 7.1 channels to amplify the sound of the film. There are usually a large number of speakers, which are set behind the screen or on the side walls, and perfectly combine with the architectural structure of the auditorium.

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