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            Outdoor performance plan


            Scheme Description:

            In the acoustical design specification for outdoor performance, it is required that the seating area should have sufficient sound pressure level, clear language and high intellibility, followed by fullness, and appropriate loudness and uniformity. Acoustical defects such as echo and poor hearing should not appear at any position in the audience area. These indicators form a comprehensive effect of sound quality design.

            Case application:

            1. Sufficient sound pressure level
            The loudspeaker has large power and high sensitivity, and the matching power amplifier has enough power reserve, and the system has enough dynamic allowance to adapt to the restoration of large dynamic program signals.
            2. Good sound field uniformity is constructed in strict accordance with the standard requirements, and professional design and reasonable arrangement are made according to the actual situation and characteristics.
            3. High-fidelity systems
            The total harmonic distortion should be less than 0.1%. It can be predicted that the sound amplification system designed according to this scheme will provide a high-fidelity sound amplification system after reasonable debugging.
            4. Smooth transmission frequency characteristics
            The loudspeaker arrangement is reasonable. All the loudspeakers selected adopt constant pointing horn. In addition, all the microphone selected are heart type pointing and super heart type pointing. Therefore, the sound transmission gain of the system is guaranteed to achieve the design goal.

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