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            Copy and play system


            Scheme Description:

            The recording and broadcasting system mainly serves the boutique classroom, interactive classroom, observation classroom, micro-class classroom and other places. The standard boutique classroom adopts automatic five slots, the interactive classroom adopts automatic three slots, and the micro-class classroom adopts automatic two slots. Using audio and video interactive terminal, with the help of campus network or wide area network to achieve between classrooms, between schools audio and video synchronous transmission. One school multi-point or one school multi-school combination mode. A variety of picture transmission methods, such as: single picture, multi-picture, picture in picture. High fidelity audio acquisition, transmission of high fidelity audio, audio noise reduction, echo cancellation, feedback suppression, bottom noise elimination and other audio processing. The recorded courses are automatically uploaded to the recording and broadcasting platform, which can meet the requirements of online live broadcasting, after-class on-demand broadcasting, excellent course selection and micro-course production.

            Case application:

            1. Releasing the shackles of the traditional program on the speaker, the speaker can walk freely in the classroom without wearing any audio picking equipment.

            2. Adopts AI artificial intelligence speech separation and feedback elimination algorithm, which can achieve good sound amplification effect no matter the speaker is far or near to the microphone.

            3. The two microphones do DSP distributed processing, and the two microphones work together to pick up sound evenly in the podium area. When the speaker speaks in the podium area, the sound amplification effect has no obvious difference, which avoids the result that the single microphone has obviously different sound amplification effect due to the difference of the distance between the speaker and the microphone.

            4. It has a unique fade-in and fade-out switching mode function. When two capacitors are connected at the same time, the signal received by MIC of one capacitor is higher than that of the other one, the fade-in and fade-out switching is carried out, and the switching process is smooth without eating words or dropping words.

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