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            System scheme of medium and small conference room


            Scheme Description:
            The system has conference functions such as discussion and speech, voting, sign-in, camera tracking, etc. The chairman unit has priority rights to speak.

            Desktop type, embedded, with voting, with IC sign-in function and other speaking units can be selected, supporting FIFO mode, normal mode, free mode,

            The system has conference functions such as discussion and speech, voting, sign-in, camera tracking, etc. The chairman unit has priority rights to speak. Desktop type, embedded, with voting, with IC sign-in function, etc

            Four speech modes, such as application speech, are matched with full digital audio processor, and the pick-up distance of unit speech can be up to 50CM.

            With "hand in hand" cable series mode, easy installation and maintenance and many other advanced functions. It also has voting capabilities and data management capabilities,

            It can be managed and controlled by software, and the IC card of the microphone unit can input the identity information of the participants.

            Case application:
            1. Pure discussion meeting system
            A. The function of meeting discussion and speech. The chairman unit has priority to speak.

            B supports four speech modes: FIFO mode, ordinary mode, free mode and application speech mode.

            C The number of speakers at the same time can be set. For example: The number of speakers is optional.

            D through the sound amplification system, to achieve high fidelity, high sensitivity meeting effect.

            2, discussion speech + multi-function voting + camera tracking conference system
            A. The functions of discussion and speech and voting in the meeting, and the chairman unit has priority to speak.

            B supports four speech modes: FIFO mode, ordinary mode, free mode and application speech mode.

            C The number of speakers at the same time can be set. For example: The number of speakers is optional.

            D Cooperate with the camera tracking host to realize the automatic video tracking function of conference discussion.

            E through the sound amplification system, to achieve meeting sound amplification, high fidelity, high sensitivity sound picking effect.

            国内自拍亚洲高清欧美,国内日韩另类自拍第一页,最新亚洲白拍偷自拍对白,自拍自产在线观看的 (function(){ var bp = document.createElement('script'); var curProtocol = window.location.protocol.split(':')[0]; if (curProtocol === 'https') { bp.src = 'https://zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit/push.js'; } else { bp.src = 'http://push.zhanzhang.baidu.com/push.js'; } var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(bp, s); })();